Toronto, Canadar (CANADA) - (That's how THEY say it, I don't know where they get the "r" from) Is it just me or is this Royal Wedding thing too much for everybody. They have created stamps, dolls, coins, trinkets, bobbleheads, complete TV/Radio coverage, and we are all suppose to be interested?
It's a wedding. I'm happy for William but it's too much for me.
It's as if the media is telling us, we should be interested in this whole big spending spree and everything associated with it. Am I the only one not interested?
Let us know what you think of it all. I have mixed feelings on the Monarchy in Canada, but all the fuss is a bit too much for me.
I don't usually watch much on TV live anymore because of DVR/PVR so it gives me the opportunity when the Royal stuff comes on to just click through it, and I seem to be doing a lot of clicking the last few days, since it's on every newscast. Bloody HELL ...But I must admit, I do like the crowns.
And why are they calling her "Kate" when her name is Catherine? Most parents name their girls Catherine because they don't want people to call them "Kate."
Daniel … Toronto, CANADA
My take on everything
Can you believe this HAT, yikes. This is how much out of control this thing is, women are suppose to wear hats (by tradition, not required) but someone did not wear a hat and is now ostracized by the British community, Huh ?
This is the Queen arriving at the Westminster Abbey, (founded 960) BELOW, and what's in her purse? Yes, I confess, I did watch a bit of it. I'm so happy for the two of them and so happy everything went smoothly. She's on our money?