Union Grove, Wisconsin - Get a load of this, if you are aware of the situation in Wisconsin, where the Governor Scott Walker(R) is trying to disallow union bargaining rights to save money for the state, union executives have sent letters to small businesses in the state "demanding that they put up a union support sign" or they will be boycotted by their union members. Jim Parrett, Field Representative, AFSCME (State Gov't Employees union) Council 24. If a small business refused to put up the sign and wanted to remain neutral, that would be the same as saying "NO" according to Parrett. The union leader has been reported to be saying this is "punishment" for not putting up a sign supporting the union's cause.
Dated March 28, 2011, the letter is addressed to "DEAR UNION GROVE AREA BUSINESS OWNER/MANAGER," read the complete letter by clicking the LINK.
Dawn Bobo, 54, grandmother and small business owner (Village Dollar store) in Union Grove, Wisconsin, says "She won't be bullied" and came up with her own sign. (above) In this small town in Wisconsin it has become an National story and now it has become an International story, no-one likes this bullying.
I tried to contact Mrs. Bobo in Union Grove, Friday afternoon but she was on her way to a National TV interview on Fox News and had a chance to speak with her husband Craig, who said,
"It's not going quite like they (union) figured it was going to go, as far as the union thought, and it's been very busy here in the store this week since all this started."